The End Of The World As We Know It

TEOTW Is Foolishness – TEOTWAWKI Will Happen Soon

by Russell D. Longcore

The world media was all abuzz last weekend with the prediction of an event known by evangelical Christians as “The Rapture.” Seems a radio preacher named Harold Camping, head of Family Radio International in Oakland, California (what a surprise…California) made a prediction that Jesus Christ would descend from Heaven on May 21, 2011 and call all Christians…dead or alive…up into the sky to meet him, then going from there on the speed-of-light express directly to Heaven. This prediction is based on various Scriptural references to this event, most notably I Thessalonians 4:17, although most biblical scholars agree that the date of the event is unknown. The term “Rapture” is not found in the Bible, but is a term attributed to 18th century American Puritan preacher Cotton Mather. It is based upon the Latin word “rapio,” which means “to take up.”

Can you blame the media, though? I mean, throw the dice on this one. What if the guy had been right? The video footage would have been the most remarkable footage in the history of mankind. Billions of humans disappearing into the sky in an instant? And all of those billions simply disappearing would have caused complete chaos on earth for those who remained earth-bound…”Left Behind,” like the series of Christian novels by Tim LaHaye outlined. News stories ad infinitum!

But Mr. Camping was mistaken once again. No, this is not his first time making this prediction. Still, it was very entertaining while it lasted.

Let’s drop back a little and discuss The End of the World.

In previous articles, I have written about “connotation words.” They are words with an emotional association in addition to the literal meaning of the word. In today’s world there are many words and phrases for which the literal meaning has been lost and only the emotional association remains. Examples? How about love, liberty, freedom, conservative, liberal, racist, faith, belief, Christ? All emotionally charged, yet their meaning is subject to private interpretation. Also consider the word “nigger.” There’s a word so charged with emotion that white people are deathly afraid of using it, replacing it with “n word.” Of course blacks call each other “nigger” all the time. Try watching a black comedian do a standup routine and play a drinking game while you watch. Do a shot every time the comic says “nigger.” You’ll be passed out before he finishes his routine.

But I digress…

The phrase “The End of the World” is just such a connotation phrase. No one ever seems to define it. The term “End of Days” is used interchangeably. But whatever they mean, they do not mean exactly what they say. The end of days would literally mean that time stood still, the earth stopped spinning on its axis and there were no more days. No one believes that will happen. Even if Harold Camping would have been right, the world would not have ended. Even the Mayan predictions of the “end of the world” do not include the destruction of the earth in 2012.

So what is TEOTWAWKI…the end of the world as we know it??

Here is my explanation, and no supernatural event need happen for the end of the world as we know it to occur. Hang with me, this might take awhile.

This really should be known as “The End Of The Global Super Bubble.” Issuing counterfeit money in conjunction with fractional reserve banking created a super bubble that has distorted nearly every human activity worldwide. And every time throughout history that a government has issued counterfeit money, it has created a bubble that eventually bursts. Seems human beings don’t learn from the past.

All of the nations of the earth have conspired together over the last 70-plus years to use counterfeit money and to inflate their currencies. They have chosen one particular nation’s money as the world reserve currency…the money they use to settle debts between nations. That nation chosen for reserve currency status is the United States of America. In fact, America kind of chose itself. After WWII, America was about the only economy not left in tatters. Great Britain, whose Pound Sterling was formerly the world reserve currency, had been pounded to dust. And at that time, the Dollar was backed by gold.

No nation’s currency is backed by gold now. ALL nations have printed fiat money. The world economy of late has been entirely debt-driven. Between the ever-growing worldwide public debt and the steady inflation of currencies fueled by that public debt, money is becoming more and more worthless. And in a few locations, the money actually completely failed. Remember Weimar Germany, Argentina and Zimbabwe? Their currencies became entirely worthless, and they experienced an “end of the world” in their nations.

When the Confederates States of America was founded in 1861, the Confederate money was entirely based on debt instruments, as the Confederacy sold bonds to raise capital. Most of the gold the South could lay their hands on went to Europe to buy war materiel. As the war progressed, the Confederacy issued more and more paper money. Confidence in the money waned and the dates of redemption on the bonds were extended further into the future. By the end of the war, Confederate money was already worthless. So this is the perfect example of secession that failed because the seceding states got money creation all wrong.

The USA’s dollar cannot continue much longer as world reserve currency. This simply means that of all the criminal nations of the earth that have stolen from the population of the earth, the USA’s level of theft has been the most egregious. Some nations have stolen from just their own people, but the USA has robbed everyone. Washington has borrowed trillions of dollars that it can never repay. Combined with a central bank that has printed additional trillions of dollars with no hard value behind it, the dollar’s value is rapidly eroding. So, in a world where many nations hold US Treasury bonds, those nations face the real possibility that they will either be repaid in dollars of drastically diminished purchasing power, or simply left holding Treasury bonds of no value whatever. That is what’s known as “monetizing the debt.”

There is talk worldwide of replacing the Dollar as reserve currency. China’s Yuan is the most likely candidate. China’s economy sits in the catbird seat, much like the US enjoyed after WWII. When the American Dollar collapses, China’s economy is so vibrant…and China’s government is so robust…that it will be able to absorb a complete American collapse in which Washington defaults on 100% of its debt. But most other nations will suffer greatly. Let’s turn our attention now to the suffering that WILL occur after the collapse of the US Dollar.

When Zimbabwe-like hyperinflation occurs, DC will revalue the currency. The Federal Government will have a redemption period, in which you can bring your old Federal Reserve notes to the bank to receive the new money. After that period, your old money will be entirely worthless. It may add a zero, or two zeroes, or six. Two zeroes would mean that your ten dollar bill will only be worth ten cents. To buy a $2.00 loaf of bread you would have to present $200.00 in new money notes. Hyperinflation burns through your cash like fire.

When the dollar collapses, the banks of the world will shut down their Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs). The banks and credit card companies will also shut down the point-of-purchase machines, otherwise known as credit card machines. That means that unless you have cash on hand, you will not be able to buy anything using a credit or debit card. That will also mean that those on government assistance who receive a pre-loaded debit card will not be able to buy food or anything else.

The banks will declare a “bank holiday.” Sounds fun, but nobody will be smiling. A bank holiday is the bank shutting down and not doing business with ANYONE. So, if you’re checking or savings account has money in it, you will be unable to make a withdrawal. The holiday will likely last indefinitely, or at least until the US Treasury prints up the new money to replace the old failed fiat money. Banks might allow customers access to their safe deposit boxes, but that will depend on the physical risk the bankers must assess.

Legal tender laws will be entirely ignored as people understand that the value of the money is evaporating. Merchants will see that currency values are so volatile that the dollar value at 8 am could be higher than it is at close of business. Why should a seller accept “money” that is decreasing in value? So, many sellers will demand either gold and silver, or some other form of value as payment.

The black market of goods and services will spring into life rapidly after the crash. If you have hard money, or if you can barter goods or services, you will have a chance of survival. If you do not have gold and silver coins…real money…you will not have much chance of survival. And naturally, if you have set aside survival stores, you have a chance of coming out the other side alive and in one piece.


Within hours of the collapse, looting of stores will begin. The looting will begin in inner cities, where the greatest concentration of poor, desperate people live. Then the looting will spread outward from there, eventually spreading to the suburbs and out into the countryside. But don’t think that the looters will only be from the inner cities. There are lots of your neighbors who will become looters too. And once stores have been looted, suppliers will be unwilling to re-supply since their trucks will be targets for highjacking. Envision a beer truck or a bread truck with heavily armed men “riding shotgun.” Just like the stagecoaches of the Old West.

Armed thugs will fill their gas tanks for free as an accomplice holds a gun on the gas station cashier. Gasoline companies will only roll their tanker trucks and refill the tanks with armed escorts. But that only happens if the gas station owner can pay for the gasoline. He’s going to be in the same no-cash boat as most other people.

Those people who are not armed with firearms and a mindset to use deadly force to protect themselves, their families and their property will be victims. It’s not an issue of whether, it will be an issue of when. Almost no one will avoid roaming looters. The question will be who is the greater threat to whom. Thugs only respect superior force. Be sure that your force is superior.

Communications Breakdown

The Internet may be interrupted by your government. Cell phones may stop working, because how are the cell companies going to get paid for service when the money’s no good? And don’t forget radio stations. Most radio stations operate from advertising revenue. The public broadcasting stations operate from donations and government subsidies. After the dollar collapses, and people are scrambling to survive, how many businesses will slash their advertising expenditures? How many people will stop making contributions to charities? So expect to see the majority of radio stations shut down very soon after the collapse. Television stations, cable TV and satellite TV will follow suit, as their revenue is primarily from advertising. We recommend that you become a HAM radio operator as well as CB radio operator.

Hunger and Death

The poor and aged will suffer first and most. Those without food or the means to buy it will die of starvation…a long painful death. Millions will die, and a great many of those millions of bodies will not be buried. Think about it. Who will have money to pay for a casket, burial or cremation? Rotting bodies left unburied always facilitate disease epidemics. Cholera, tuberculosis, HIV, staff infections, Hepatitis B and C, bubonic plague, typhoid and other epidemics regularly occur as the result of mass casualties. So if starvation doesn’t kill you, a plague might. Rapidly, there will be geographic areas you shouldn’t go into because of plague.

People who are weakened by lack of food are also susceptible to a disease epidemic. So it won’t just be the aged or poor that die like flies. People who are on maintenance medication who cannot pay for their medicine will die too.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs)will face challenges and dangers never before witnessed in the history of this nation. There are already far too few LEOs to effectively prevent crime. After the collapse, it will get worse. LEOs have families too, don’t they? Remember what happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? Most of the New Orleans cops didn’t show up for work because they had families to protect. If you dial 9-1-1 after the American economy collapses and the money hyperinflates, you should not expect to ever see a cop at your door. They will only respond to the most serious and grave law enforcement issues. Or, they may be busy enforcing martial law. In my opinion, the functions of the police that we take for granted will be a memory. You will be entirely on your own to protect yourself, your family and your property.

The ONLY human action that can rescue humanity from TEOTWAWKI is the re-establishment of gold and silver-backed money. Simply anointing another nation’s fiat currency as the new world reserve currency may kick the can down the road for a short time, but it won’t fix the worldwide problem. That is, unless a nation like China converted its currency to hard currency and then refused to accept any other currency than the Gold Yuan or gold itself. Remember that the international bankers and the International Monetary Fund are closely allied to Washington. If DC dies, the IMF dies. And if the Yuan becomes the new hard money world reserve currency, the international bankers are stripped of their power to steal. So expect the international bankers to fight Chinese supremacy unless they can continue to inflate and create money from thin air.

We here at DumpDC believe that the gold that is purported to be in Fort Knox is likely long gone. So the statistical chances that Washington could revert to a gold standard are zero. The ONLY logical place that hard money is likely to occur in North America is inside a US State that secedes from the Union. That state will see the hopelessness of central banking, legal tender laws, fiat money and fractional reserve banking and deduce that only hard money can save them from destruction. This must be the first and most important priority for any seceding state. Nothing else will matter if a seceding state gets this wrong. If a seceding state gains its independence from the USA, only to buy into another world currency, it will simply join all the other failing nations in a “me too” effort.

The End Of The World As We Know It is just over the horizon. And it’s true…the world will never be the same once the Dollar collapses. The carnage around the world will be horrific and historic. I sincerely hope that you, dear readers, survive. But individual liberty and property rights could be the phoenix that arises from the ashes of the global financial meltdown. That is, if JUST ONE AMERICAN STATE secedes and establishes gold standard money. If JUST ONE nation of the world makes a decision to fight for its own survival with gold money instead of being dominated by the internationalists and one-worlders. Make sure you place yourself and your family in that sanctuary.

How about a little music that talks about living when “the money’s no good?”

Secession is the Hope For Mankind. Who will be first?

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2011, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

5 Responses to The End Of The World As We Know It

  1. Beautifully done, of course, Russell. A “minor” manifestation of TEOTWAWKI hit me over the weekend. Someone with too much mortgage, I conjecture, had to leave the house the bank had repossessed. A charming family, I suppose, because they neglected to take their dog. Perhaps they thought blithely, “Oh, he’s a nice dog, someone will want him.” Well, nobody did, garbage cans are too heavy and big to turn over these days, and I conjecture the neighbors weren’t gentle about chasing him away. Poor pup…if he’d made it to my place I would have taken him in. It’s one of the joys of owning land, not having to worry about dogs barking.

    That isn’t how he came. Friday night the wind was right after a rain, and he smelled my stock from a mile away. He caught a big Rhode Island Red rooster that didn’t believe in sleeping of the coop and ate all except the feet and wingfeathers. Then he smelled the goats…and got into the goat house. By the time the goats worked out that he was a dangerous enemy he had made his kill–which was, of course, the most valuable of this year’s crop of kids. He gnawed off the left hind haunch and then tried to drag the remains away. He was still too weak and had to abandon it. He returned for it Sunday.

    At this point we must stop feeling sorry for the poor, abused dog. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t his fault. He has killed. He has tasted hot blood. He can never be trusted again and must be destroyed. He’s stronger now, after his $260 dinner, and we’re expending man-hours on night patrols because he’ll be back.

    In the cities such feral dogs will attack cats, smaller dogs, and children. Don’t take chances.

    • dumpdc says:

      Linda- Charming families do not leave a dog to starve to death. They are human debris. There will be an astonishing amount of human debris come TEOTWAWKI. Russ

  2. […] The End Of The World As We Know It […]

  3. Rollory says:

    “When the American Dollar collapses, China’s economy is so vibrant…and China’s government is so robust…that it will be able to absorb a complete American collapse in which Washington defaults on 100% of its debt.”

    This is complete blithering nonsense. China’s economy is what it is only because they are selling to the USA. The Chinese and American economies are two halves of the same Ponzi scheme. One is no good without the other. Without the USA, the Chinese have nobody to sell to – their domestic market isn’t anywhere near the order of magnitude required. They’ve built entire extra cities that stand empty. They can’t keep that up. China will collapse even worse than the USA.

    • dumpdc says:

      Dear Rollory- Opinions are like assholes…everybody’s got one. I don’t just write stuff that sounds cool. I actually research what I write. Thanks for posting. Russ

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