Happy Third Anniversary, DumpDC.com

Turn Out The Lights, The Party’s Over

by Russell D. Longcore

This week marks three years since I began posting my thoughts about personal liberty, property rights and secession here at DumpDC.com. From then until now, I have posted 885 articles on a wide variety of subjects. It was my goal to make the greatest number of my postings related to secession. Occasionally I strayed from the path, and most of those times were either into religion or humor.

But recently, I have come to the realization that I may not have any more to say. I feel like I have taken secession just about as far as it can go right now…that is, prior to the economic meltdown that is assured for America when the US Dollar ceased to be the world reserve currency. At that time, millions of growling stomachs will awaken the slumbering minds eighteen inches above them, and secession will come to the fore.

Many, if not most of my fellow travelers in the Patriot movement still embrace a return to those thrilling days of yesteryear when it is believed (erroneously) that the US Constitution held sway. They convince themselves and each other that if we can just get Washington to obey the Constitution, all will be well once again. But the 2012 Constitution is not the Constitution of 1789. The Bill of Rights has been laden down with amendment after amendment, few of which are good for America. And the entire document is entirely ignored by DC. A Constitution written for thirteen nations with just under 4 million inhabitants (1790 Census) between them is entirely inappropriate for 50 states and 315 million people.

What is needed is not strict Constitutionality. What is needed is for the states to return to being sovereign nations, and if they want to confederate, then join with just a few others for mutually beneficial reasons. Small confederations of nation/states comprised of 3…6…10 nations would be good, or just simply 50 individual little nations all competing for survival in a big world.

Frankly, I am tired. I spend many hours each week on DumpDC. Just the Flash Editorials takes about three hours to write, and then another two hours to do the video production. And when I look at my traffic stats, and see how few people look at DumpDC, I have to look inward. Am I just doing this for my own entertainment? Am I just stroking my own ego? Does anybody give a shit?

My introspection about DumpDC is also influenced by money. I am building a fast-growing energy business, and I should take the time I spend on DumpDC and invest it in my own future. After all, none of you readers are going to take care of me in my dotage, and I don’t expect you to. And when the shit hits the fan in America, you’ll be a little busy with your own survival. But my family expects ME to provide and leave a legacy. Writing is fun, but earning is funner. And residual income from my energy customers all over the nation is the funnest of all.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you a fond farewell…for now. You have said some very kind, complimentary and gracious things to me over the last three years, and I am grateful to you. DumpDC will continue to be live, and our Archive will continue to be available. But for the foreseeable future, your gentle Host and Editor Russell D. Longcore will be laser-focused on his business. That is my kind of “prepping.”

Adieu. Guten Tag. Adios. May you be Happy. May you be Well.
May you be filled with Kindness and Peace.

Secession is still the only solution for individual liberty and property rights on the North American continent.

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

Copyright 2012: Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

19 Responses to Happy Third Anniversary, DumpDC.com

  1. steve says:

    Sorry to hear your finished with DumpDC ,I care and I’m Canadian and have enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Worker says:

    For whatever it’s worth, I have enjoyed your blog, learned a great deal and changed my mind (not that anyone else probably cares about that other than me) regarding this issue. Sorry for your departure – a loss for those of us who need to know there are others out there of like mind. Thank you for what you have done.

  3. brocktownsend says:

    Wish you wouldn’t and posted.

  4. Brian B. says:

    Mr. Longcore,
    I just discovered your site recently, have been enjoying your commentary, and am sad to hear that you need to hang it up. I fully understand though! Carry on with the rest of your life. Thanks for what you’ve been doing. I do hope you’ll keep your archives available; I haven’t had a chance to peruse them yet.

  5. Dutch Mills says:

    Damn! Russell, you’ll be missed. Your thoughtful articles were very insightful and had more readers than you saw as I passed on the majority of you Post to others. You made me think outside the box and I learned much from your efforts.

    You’ve made a difference!

    Thank you!

  6. Robert Smith says:

    Thanks for all you’ve done. You will be missed.

  7. rjp34652 says:

    God bless you sir for your strenuous efforts. I for one am sad to see these almost daily postings end. I’ve been a fan for sure.

    but that’s just me, hollering from the choir loft…

  8. James says:

    May you be happy as well. Best wishes.

    Mr. Longcore, you’ve made a dent on the establishment and I thank you for your efforts.I’ve only read you for a year or so, but almost always agree with your sentiments. See you on the other side of the collapse!

  9. Charles Kimbrough says:

    Since you’ll be keeping the site alive, you may still occasionally find something to comment about. Otherwise, maybe there are those of your readers who can fill in the gap. Thanks for your efforts and your knowledge.

    God bless.

  10. Jared says:

    Why not just stop doing the Flash Editorials and videos? What about a once-per-week update? But….do what you feel like you gotta do I suppose. Good luck.

  11. Dave says:

    Well, I hope you can at least post something once in a while. I also did some political soul searching and came to the conclusion that there are a number of activites I could be involved in that are stepping stones to the idea of secession. The Tenth Ammendment Center is one of them. We need to revive the idea in people that states have the right to nullify Federal overreach. If we can get enough people advocating that, then we’ll have an easier time introducing the idea of secession.

  12. Dutchy says:

    Gonna miss you, Your Snarkiness!

  13. Aaron says:

    Well, at least we still have Facebook, Russ. 🙂 I understand your reasons, though. If I were doing all of the writing on Militant Libertarian myself, I’d have probably bowed out long ago. You’ve done a great thing here, though.

  14. RICHARD says:


    Get the ball rolling at the city level. Check it out. I’m from Tampa….

  15. James of Arlington says:

    We need to educate people about what the Constitution says and does not say. Texas v. White (7 Wallace 700) is not valid because the court tried to redefine words and ignore the Constitution. Any state may leave the Union at any time without getting permission from the Union government. Remember The United States of America is a Union not a nation.

  16. Porcupine says:

    Best wishes to you, Mr. Longcore.

  17. Grog says:

    Russel, good thoughts for whatever road you follow in the future. Keep us updated on your business endeavors.

  18. Louisiana Steve says:

    Closing might be a bit premature. It looks like Arizona is fixing to pop.

  19. Alexander says:

    I just found you! Alas, I was too late. I’ll peruse the archives and try to communicate with others of a like mind. I’ve been trying to get people together to take action. The day of financial and constitutional reckoning is coming. Until then, I await your return.

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