FRONA Protects Human Life

FRONA Protects Human Life

By Russell D. Longcore

(Editor’s Note: FRONA is The Free Republic Of North America, that mythical land of liberty, borne of secession of one of the US States. I always envision FRONA as a seceded Texas. The author is the creator of FRONA. There is a link in this article that will start you on your adventure learning about FRONA and why it is the freest place on Planet Earth.)

If you learned 20th Century history in school, you likely learned that the Nazis did medical experiments on Jews and Gypsies. You likely were taught that the US Federal Government did medical experimentation on black men. Well, here is a story that makes those tales seem in comparison like a trip to a candy store.

The news is full of stories these days about Planned Parenthood (PP), the so-called “family planning” organization. The Center for Medical Progress* has been recording perfectly legal videos of PP staffers…discussing how PP is harvesting body parts from aborted fetuses (real human babies) and selling those parts to research labs. Apparently, it is a profitable revenue source for PP. And Planned Parenthood is largely funded by Congress…and you. PP receives over $500 million in funds each year from Congress.

This horrifying story is the blowback…the unintended consequences…of a government gone morally bankrupt. The Supreme Court of the USA decided in 1973 that abortion was a Constitutionally-protected right. Since that date, over 57.5 MILLION babies have been murdered in the womb, according to The Guttmacker Institute. And Congress has essentially done NOTHING in the ensuing 42 YEARS to protect the natural rights of the unborn. But also, the American people have callously turned their backs on their own babies and allowed Congress and the Court to get away with this.

There are 56 world nations with populations of less than 57.5 million. Topping the list is South Korea, with about 50 million. So the number of murdered babies in the USA is larger than the entire population of South Korea in 2015. A sobering thought, isn’t it?

In the Free Republic of North America (FRONA), the Charter, which is FRONA’s Constitution, is written specifically to protect human life…ALL human life. The entire raison d’être of FRONA is to protect individual liberty, property rights, and the unalienable rights of human beings.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote of “certain Unalienable Rights” in the Declaration of Independence, he placed them in the proper order, with Life being the first and most basic of all. This is the right to simply exist as a sentient being…one able to perceive sensations, a consciousness. Unalienable rights come into being at the moment that a human becomes a human. I do not mean when the individual becomes a viable human, capable of life outside the womb. Both sides of the abortion issue agree that a zygote…a human female egg fertilized by a male sperm…is human, and that every day after it becomes an embryo for about 270 days it is human. Our right to life means our right to express our humanness and to simply be alive. The opposite is the death of a human being. The right to life gets very complicated, since none of us were able to leave the womb and live without assistance, sustenance and support. An argument about embryonic and fetal viability here entirely and intentionally misses the point, since even post-birth humans need daily care until at least age 10 or they will likely die. So along with our own innate right to life, we acknowledge our responsibility to assist other human life to exist and express itself.

Abraham Maslow, in his Hierarchy of Needs, pointed to the need of breathing, food, water, sleep, sex, homeostasis and excretion. They are all part of maintaining life, and without any one of those needs, life would eventually stop. Note here that the right of life is seldom exercised individually, but is inextricably tied to the lives of others.

So in FRONA, abortion is expressly prohibited except to save the mother from death. And the act of abortion, except for that one exception, is written into the criminal code of the Charter as first degree murder, punishable by death.

FRONA citizens who desire an abortion must leave the country to get one. But don’t worry. The rest of America is abortion-friendly. Go kill your children there.

DumpDC. Six Letters That Will Change History.

*The Center for Medical Progress, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances. They are concerned about contemporary bioethical issues that impact human dignity, and they oppose any interventions, procedures, and experiments that exploit the unequal legal status of any class of human beings. They envision a world in which medical practice and biotechnology ally with and serve the goods of human nature and do not destroy, disfigure, or work against them. (quotation from their website.)

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