Marriage Equality: Gotcha, Suckers!

by Russell D. Longcore

The recent Marriage Equality headlines entirely miss the point. Several points.

Marriage is a loose contract, mostly unspoken and certainly mostly unwritten. And, like they say…”it’s complicated.” The complications come when those who are married decide to get out of their loose contract. All of a sudden, those two people who wouldn’t think of sign a prenuptial agreement want all kinds of rights and privileges to magically appear.

Any two adults…or multiple adults…can enter into a contract or agreement at any time they choose to create any relationship structure and the responsibilities of the parties to one another. It’s ALWAYS been that way, and will ALWAYS be so. There has NEVER been anything keeping same sex couples from so-called “civil unions.” And there has never been anything preventing those people in civil unions from calling their relationship a “marriage.”

Why, then do people want to be “married?” Is it the romance? Is it the tradition? Is it the cultural pressure? For those outside…they want the social acceptance that traditional marriage has had throughout the millennia.

Marriage is not supposed the purview of “the State,” local or Federal. It is the purview of the Church. Use your skeptical, jaded common sense to noodle this out. Why do you think that states license marriages? Revenue? Nope. Not much money comes from a few million marriage licenses a year. What’s the difference between a marriage license and a dog license? Practically nothing.

It’s about the CONTROL. The “State” controls marriage through its tax code. And for some mystifying reason, the same-sex couples have been fighting for decades to be controlled by the State.

Now Washington controls ALL marriages nationwide. Gotcha, Suckers!

More about Marriage, and the outrage exhibited in many camps. Perhaps we should just call it selective outrage.

To hear many people speak of Same Sex Marriage, it will be the downfall of American Culture. But haven’t we heard this before?

Since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, there have been no less than 55,772,015 infant human lives have been ended through abortion. We have heard how God would judge America for allowing this to happen. We have heard how abortion would wreck American culture now for 42 years. And nobody has stopped abortion now for 42 years.

How many die when two people of the same sex marry?

Americans, if you are going to throw your asses up in the air about a particular outrage, how about choosing one in which people are actually killed legally? Get some perspective, folks.

Abortion and same sex marriage will not be the cause of the collapse of the USA. The collapse will come soon as the US Dollar stops being the world’s reserve currency. And that will affect everybody…everybody that doesn’t prepare for the collapse.

2 Responses to Marriage Equality: Gotcha, Suckers!

  1. Richard says:

    Conversation with others, as well as online forums and blog sites, has led me to believe that most Americans refuse to believe the dollar and the American economy is in any real danger. Despite warnings from every legitimate source (except the Fed) most refuse to take these warning seriously.
    The almighty Chinese stock market crashed today and the Greeks are still trying to suckle from the European banks even as they refuse to repay loans….while Germany and France continue to play the game. Meanwhile the Japanese continue to exacerbate the world’s highest national debt 240% and climbing.
    One of these days the global financial mess is going to collapse of its own weight and many Americans will say they never saw it coming. Never saw or never wanted to see?
    Man, when it comes its going to be a whopper !!!

    and that’s me, hollering from the choir loft…

  2. Hey You says:

    There are eighteen trillion reasons that the US dollar is collapsing. Add “quantitative easing” (printing currency) to that and any holders of US$ will experience a continuing loss of wealth.
    The only safe harbor in this currency storm is the precious metals harbor!

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