Secession and Today’s Police: Friends or Foes of Liberty?

I have written much about the need for state militias. I have written hopefully about how military personnel may disobey direct orders to enforce martial law in the event of martial law being declared by Washington after some disaster or economic meltdown. But today, I’m writing about the police.

Have you noticed the many ways your local police forces have changed over the last 25 years?

Let’s start with the physical appearance of most Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs). Most of the uniformed police officers I see today are young men with military haircuts. That means that they either have shaved their heads or have a Marine Corps “high and tight” haircut. This choice of hairstyle seems to be a deliberate emulation of the active duty military personnel. It would seem that today’s LEO would rather be thought of as a soldier than a civilian.

But it’s more than just which side you want to look like. I see LEOs who dress like soldiers every day, driving cruisers and making routine traffic stops. This is a deliberate attempt by LEOs to separate themselves from the civilian world and appear threatening to the populace. The effort at civilian intimidation is not lost on this writer. I see this more in the big cities, and not so much in the rural areas. In the rural areas, the officers are still very much a part of the community they live in. But in the larger cities they are anonymous, and that’s dangerous.

Next point is LEO training. The IQ of the police recruit is not so much in question here, but the children of the government schools of the last 30 years have not been given a classical education which teaches them to think. They have been spoon-fed political correctness and a love for the government. Consequently, many of today’s LEOs know nothing of the US Constitution, do not consider the spirit of a law, but simply the letter of the law. That leaves no room for using common sense in the gray areas of human interaction as related to law enforcement.

Next point is the methods of training and tactics that modern police use. You can simply watch the evening news, and soon you’ll see a Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team of police make an attack on a building or residence. The footage you see will be identical to the methods and tactics used by military forces in combat.

Next point is the equipment and armaments that modern police are buying and using. We have local police agencies that have armored personnel carriers, helicopters and fully automatic battle rifles. Many police department SWAT teams have designated sniper teams, trained in identical sniper methods as active duty military personnel.

And have you made note of how police show up to a demonstration, or to do crowd control? They look just like military personnel, arrayed in helmets, combat boots, dark uniforms, face shields, and carrying combat assault rifles.

There is also the matter of the ethical behavior of LEOs. There are many LEOs on police forces around the country that have committed crimes. In my own area, the Atlanta PD is considered one of the most corrupt in Georgia. Add to that corruption the Federal EEOC requirements in which certain numbers of minorities must be hired and promoted. So a toxic stew of criminals with entitlement attitudes and a badge can make for very bad police organizations from top to bottom.

Lastly is the phenomenon of the funerals for LEOs who die on the job. I consider their reactions to be out of proportion and indicative of the “us versus them” attitude of most law enforcement personnel. I recently saw the video footage of the funeral in Lakewood, Washington for four police officers killed by a gunman. Reports stated that over 20,000 LEOs attended the funeral from all over North America that featured over 2,000 police and fire vehicles.

So, when we consider the implications of secession as they relate to LEOs, we must ask:

(a) Who will the police obey, the citizens or LEOs from some other Federal alphabet agency… like FBI, ATF, DEA, DHS, CIA, DIA or US Marshalls?

(b) Obedience is different than loyalty. In the military, unit cohesion is everything. You don’t fight for your country, you fight for the other five guys in your squad. So, will the loyalty of the LEOs move toward other Law Enforcement Officers from Federal agencies, or toward their oath of service?

(c) Would LEOs be true to their Oath of Office, if that oath included swearing to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic?

(d) Would LEOs arrest a Federal LEO who was attempting to enforce US Federal law in a secession state, or against secessionist leaders?

One of the other crucial matters in 2010 America is criminal prosecution. That process usually starts with civilian interaction with a LEO. The criminal justice system is so broken now that it is difficult for a normal citizen to go through a normal day without breaking some laws. And just having a conversation with a police officer can result in your arrest and incarceration…even if you are innocent.

Please go get a cold or hot beverage, promise not to answer the phone for the next hour, and watch the following two video presentations. I promise that they will be some of the most important time you spend in this very early 2010. Then, have the rest of your family members watch the videos, especially if you have teenagers. Finally, send a copy of this article to everyone you know, so they can protect themselves from negative experiences with Law Enforcement Officers.

Professor James Duane, law professor at Regent University School of Law, with a presentation “Don’t Talk To Cops, Part One.”

Officer George Bruch of the Virginia Beach Police Department, “Don’t Talk To Cops, Part Two.”

Thanks to reader Greg Josif, who wrote to inquire into this topic.

Secession is the hope for humanity. Who will be first?

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2009, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

7 Responses to Secession and Today’s Police: Friends or Foes of Liberty?

  1. Old Rebel says:

    Interesting post — a little troubling, too.

    I say that because I’ve spoken to LEOs that you describe. I met the policeman brother of a co-worker once, and was amazed at the statist attitudes he had regarding privacy and gun ownership.

    On the other hand, I know many more LEOs who agree with us on immigration, gangs, and illegal government surveillance, and enthusiastically support self-determination and constitutionally limited government.

  2. […] D. Longcore: Secession and Police …The IQ of the police recruit is not so much in question here, but the children of the […]

  3. While I think your observations are sound, Mr. Longcore, I’m not ready to worry just yet. Sure, I know the kind of political cop you’re talking about. I’ve encountered a few in connection with some political activism in which I used to participate. These fellows are basically ignoramuses (ignorant of history, etc., as you note) and punks. But there are reasons not to be overly alarmed.

    First, as Old Rebel points implies,the LEO rank and file around the *country* are on our side, and this would include many of the urban police.

    But second, and most importantly, we’ve all got to realize that “law enforcement”, whether local, state or federal, relies largely on a bluff to keep us all in line. Law enforcement tries to project an image of ominpresence and omnipotence. We “fear” them because they can track down indiviudals and throw them in jail or kill them.

    All one has to do, however, is look at the failed War on Drugs to see just how impotent law enforcement is *against a determined collective (or collectives)*. The cartels have called law enforcement’s bluff, and the latter largely stands by powerless to do much about it. In other words, the cartels just laugh at the military haircuts and the SWAT gear.

    Think how powerless law enforcement would be if millions of Americans organized as an armed body of patriots intent on retaining their liberties. Where will the ignoramus punk cop be on that day?

    If the Middle American Rebels, as author Sam Francis referred to us, ever do need to so organize, there WILL be millions, perhaps tens of millions, of us. And we’ll have a huge land mass to assist us.

    May we should all start getting military-style haircuts to publicly make the point. 😉

  4. I’ve really enjoyed reading your articles. You obviously know what you are talking about! Your site is so easy to navigate too, I’ve bookmarked it in my favourites 😀

  5. […] property.   Militarizing “Public Safety”   In a martial law situation, “law enforcement” and “public safety” duties are usurped by the federal military, which also […]

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